I work to create support groups and coaching for families who have children on the spectrum. Being an Autism parent myself, I understand the struggles, and obstacles that sometimes may come with parenting a child on the spectrum. I have also recently written a book,  #1 Best Selling AU-MAZING GIFT: A Journey to Autism Acceptance. 

This past month, I have had the pleasure of interviewing some Au-mazing moms from all over the world to get an idea of what their experiences have been like. I find that when we can connect through each other’s experience, we can also find ways we can help each other.

This week, I spoke with Au-mazing Parent Beth Stonick. Here is her story:


What were the first signs/symptoms you child has Autism?

His lack of eye contact.


What was your first reaction to your child’s “Autism” diagnosis?

It was sort of like “not surprised.” I had suspected for a long time that we were missing something and we finally had some more answers.


If you could give one piece of advice to another parent what would it be?

Never give up. Go with your gut. You are your child’s champion and advocate. If you feel something is being missed, keep searching.


What is one of the hardest parts about being a parent of an Autistic child?

Always feeling like a failure.


What is one the most rewarding part about being a parent?

The little achievements. Things that are ordinary for everyone else but it is such a big success for your little.