by Adriana Santiago | Sep 28, 2018 | Uncategorized

Click the image to watch the video for an EXCLUSIVE tip.
Hello everyone it is Dr. Ali, Autism Parenting Strategist and I am popping in live and direct for Autism parenting strategy. I’m super duper excited because it’s the end of September, hooray! hooray! hooray! we made it! We made it pack the first month of school or do the first month of school so for those having a really really good start give me a thumbs up to let me know that school is going pretty well for you.
So we now have some of us now getting used to think and trying to figure it out and you know for me for now I am seriously tired because Zachary just started in high school so all new ball games we are trying to get into the glow of things, new sets of homework, a lot of new activities that he had not fully learned to navigate quite well yet, so it’s a lot of teaching. As expected, but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t take less out of me. I am here to give tips dealing with school
Tip Number 1:
Try and create a partnership with the school to the person who works in the school and have a child in the school.
I have a conversation someone from Zachary’s school regarding him not getting all of his services as yet but you know by now he said half. So even though a part of me was upset and I wanted to go walk and house parenting a wanna go walk, I wanna go off. It is very important to establish that we are a team and we are in a partnership. And in the end we, we all want what’s best for Zachary and these are the languages then I’d need you to start learning on how to use for the school.
Tip Number 2:
One thing to understand is teamwork. Once they understand that you are in a together. Once they understand that you’re trying to work with them, they begin to work, tried to work with you. And together, you get to create something that’s gonna work effectively for your child. So even though at the beginning of the conversation, blah blah blah, you know going off because I’m still parent first. I’d still wanted to make sure that she knew that she was being heard and wanna her to understand that we are all on the same team. And, I think those warnings tend to bring the edge off a little and she knows she was doing calls.
Remember it’s teamwork, collaboration you wanna know guys you all are working together as a team not constantly fighting.
Tip Number 3:
You have choices, parents have choices. Your choices if you wanna keep your child on that school, your choice if you wanna move her to a different classroom or different school. Homeschooling, for my homeschooling parents. You have the right to be open to what choices is best for your child,. Not to say the best for immediate action, but just always understand that you have choices. So I think that we know we have choices, we don’t feel like we are stuck in this place.
Tip Number 4:
The place here and we have no control over it and when parents begin to feel like we don’t have control, then we lose control. if we feel like it. It’s just your decision, you’re not thinking about what was saying and not incorporating us. We begin to feel powerless and as educators, as parents, we don’t want anyone to lose power in the scene. We understand the school’s power and they’re choices butthe school also has to understand our power in the choices that we have as parents.
Tip Number 5:
Taking back your power. Keep your power. Your power coming from within you and that no one has the right take away that power solive inn your power. Be in your power and feel confidently strong in your power.
Make sure you watch the video to get access to an exclusive BONUS tip! It’s one that’s extremely important, and it’s something that I do every single year. Go watch now to find out how to have an even more successful school year!
by Adriana Santiago | Sep 26, 2018 | Uncategorized
1. “He already knows that I’m his friend” (blunt response )
2. Separating your self-makes it easier? Shaun: “It does”
3. The graphics of how Dr. Shaun Henry’s mind calculates to result in
“its not schizophrenia its a brain tumor”
4. Can you say hello for me…Shaun responds literally “hello”
5. Shaun “You need to help me because I can’t do it alone.”
6. Signs of a meltdown with autism.. Overstimulation of all the sounds, dogs barking, tin cups and more to hold his need to find Harry * covers ears*
7. “I have a neurological condition i will always have it
You have a neurological condition too, but yours can be cured…you just need some surgery”
8. Jared “Shaun communicated and connected with him, for him to come in
9. Shaun tries to reach out to touch Jared, as a kind gesture, …and is able to do a brief touch with his elbow. #win
10. I have a long journey ahead of me.. ” I understand..I’m going with you.”
I am looking forward to much more ahead in the season. Follow me on as we discuss through the show
by Adriana Santiago | Sep 21, 2018 | Uncategorized

Click the image to watch the video for an EXCLUSIVE tip.
I know the school year just started and lot of us are getting nervous. That’s why today I’m giving you 3 au-mazing tips to have a successful school year!
Tip Number 1:
Communication Log. This is extremely important. You definitely have to have a way of communicating back and forth with the teacher. Whether you’re using an email system, whether you’re using an actual paperback system, whichever way that you choose, there has to be a communication log. I don’t want you to start school and just look into the notebook and check to see what’s happening. These are au-mazing tips – you’re not going to be a regular parent, you’re going to be an AU-MAZING parent. That means we’re taking everything that we normally would do to the next level. In this communication log we’re telling:
- all the things our child knows well
- what does he like and what doesn’t he like
- behavioral patterns
- things that you know upset your child
- things that you know will help your child when they have a breakdown
- manners of which you should talk to your child.
Tip Number 2:
You have to go meet the teacher! Meet the teacher, meet the therapist, go all the way down to the gym teacher. Meet everyone that is involved with helping your child throughout the year. Why is it important? It’s important so they can see a face, so they can see that this child has a parent that’s actively involved. Take time out of your school day and create a time to meet, every parent of a child with a parent of autism should. There’s always a meet the teacher event, and if your school doesn’t have one or you can make it, reschedule or schedule it for another time. Definitely by the third week of school you should meet the people involved with your child. The only way you can create a system and strategy, the only way you can work on an IEP, the individualized educational plan, together is by visually meeting each other. By putting the education log into something physical and practical, now you get to express to them “this is what I want, these are the expectations.” You get to tell them what your expectations are, and they get to tell you their expectations so you get to be on the same level.
Tip Number 3:
Now here’s the thing that ties everything together: the support. Ask them, “how can I support you?” The question that always helps everyone feel involved in supporting each other is asking, “what can I do at home to support this process? What can I do to support YOU in this process?” Let them know we’re on the same team, let them know we want to work together. We are a cohesive team all looking forward to the child having a successful year. You have to know clearly what a successful year looks like to you. If you don’t know, they won’t know. Ask for support, plan, and execute expectations.
Make sure you watch the video to get access to an exclusive BONUS tip! It’s one that’s extremely important, and it’s something that I do every single year. Go watch now to find out how to have an even more successful school year!
by Adriana Santiago | Sep 14, 2018 | Uncategorized
Pet Peeves
Talk Autism Parenting Strategies5 Pet Peeves for the beginning of the school year
Posted by Dr. Ali Griffith on Thursday, September 13, 2018
This topic stems from when I had a parent in my Autism Acceptance Fest group speak about what’s going on in the beginning of the school year. I wanted to make sure that I share some of the things that my other parents shared for how the beginning of the school year is going … We do understand as autism parents that our strategies, and our fights, and our ways of getting through, are different.
Today I just wanted to give you guys a chance for us to have this discussion so you know you know you’re not alone.
Number One:
So Zachary started middle school, and middle school means a whole new life. A whole new set of arrangements I have to get into, a whole new bus. So the bus was late the first four out of five days. I’ve been spoiled for the last few grades because we haven’t had many bus issues. However, new system, new school, new bus system … he keeps being late. As a result of that, now I’m getting the late calls. We started having bussing issues because it’s a whole new school, and they’ve been having difficulty arranging new kids and patterns, and Zachary has been late for school. I don’t know if any of you guys have a child on the spectrum and they’re late for school and have this issue, but when Zachary is late for school he goes into complete overwhelm. We have to deal with the “mommy I’m gonna be late,” and the crying, and the whole mix of changes of emotions. So this week I had to take him to school to make sure he’s going to be fine. I don’t like him to be late, he’s in middle school now, why have a new system and be late for school? So you know I’m already on top of that. I have to call OPT and make sure they understand that we can’t keep doing this … so how are we going to make this better? I’m a forgiving parent, so I’m going to give them two weeks to get it together, and if you don’t get it together, then we have do what we need to do. So that’s one pet peeve.
Number Two:
The second pet peeve is transitioning. A whole new change, a whole new school, how are we getting used to our kids being in this new school? You gotta create a system, and you gotta let them know ahead of time. You have to keep some sort of schedule. You have to keep talking to them about this being something new. You’re gonna have a new teacher, and you’re gonna have new rules.
Number Three:
Communication is key. You gotta keep that letter of communication back and forth between parents. Are you still communicating, are you writing letters to each other? If they’re not answering, how else are you gonna get them to respond to you? One way direction is not a conversation, it’s you speaking to yourself. We can’t keep it one way, we gotta make sure it’s a back and forth discourse.
Number Four:
What is going on? How are their academics going? What are they teaching our children? Since some of our kids don’t explain things in detail, we need to know that learning is going on. So you gotta show me what you’re doing – send me a book home, let me know what you’re working on. I don’t want to play guessing games! I don’t think school is the only place Zachary learns. I believe he learns at school, and I believe he learns the majority at home. Whether it’s with me, another teacher, a program at home, or a tutoring system, either way, I don’t rely only on the school. So, you need to let me know what is being done at school.
Number Five:
Not staying angry. You can’t stay angry, you have to make sure you go to the school, you have to make sure they’ve seen your face so they associate your child with it. You’ve got to stay in contact. A lot of parents are not in active roles: you’re not not going in, you’re not finding out information, you’re not letting the principal see you. They have to see you. They have to associate your child to someone. Create a relationship and don’t only expect it to be done from the school. You have to be involved.
These are pet peeves I’m seeing from parents, pet peeves from schools, when I’m with my client’s. I’m seeing the constant complaints. So this is what you need to do to get it going. I’m giving you the pet peeve, and I’m giving you the strategies to fix it. So don’t tell me you can’t stay stuck in negative, you can’t stay stuck in this is not happening, unless you are doing your part and making noise. I’m not saying it’s a perfect lifestyle. I’m living it also. Some of the things you’re going through, I have to go through also. What I do know is to expect the best, to expect the most, and make some noise. Talk about it, be involved, and most importantly, don’t settle for less for you or your baby.
by Adriana Santiago | Sep 6, 2018 | Parenting with Autism
I work to create support groups and coaching for families who have children on the spectrum. Being an Autism parent myself, I understand the struggles, and obstacles that sometimes may come with parenting a child on the spectrum. I have also recently written a book, #1 Best Selling AU-MAZING GIFT: A Journey to Autism Acceptance.
This past month, I have had the pleasure of interviewing some Au-mazing moms from all over the world to get an idea of what their experiences have been like. I find that when we can connect through each other’s experience, we can also find ways we can help each other.
This week, I spoke with Au-mazing Parent Lashonda Scott. Here is her story:
What were the first signs/symptoms you child has Autism?
Lack of eye contact, spinning, obsessed with parts of a toy.
What was your first reaction to your child’s “Autism” diagnosis?
Nervous, overwhelming, scared, confused.
If you could give one piece of advice to another parent what would it be?
Be your child’s best advocate, never give up on them! You are stronger than you think!
What is one of the hardest parts about being a parent of an Autistic child?
You never know what to expect day to day, minute to minute. Feel like I’m failing as a mom (parent).
What is one the most rewarding part about being a parent?
Seeing the growth in my son and when he gives me hugs.
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