5 RANDOM FACTS YOU MIGHT NOT KNOW ABOUT ME. You might be surprised to learn that I:

  • Never went to Business school, but I did go to @steveharveytv School Business of Acceleration. That was a business school on steroids because he brought his best coaches with him!
  • I am a beast in sales and love it! I didn’t always like sales, I didn’t want to have conversations about money. I had to shift my mindset and am now known to many as a SALES BEAST!
  • I love simple systems! I believe everything should be simplified and duplicatable.
  • I believe in taking your time and developing your business right. Start with foundations and stop starting all the way at the top!
  • I strongly believe you should invest in yourself and get yourself a business coach.

I share with you, so you know can some things that I believe in and have to offer to you when you are starting your business!