We have all hit slumps where it seems we have lost our motivation.

Sadly, too many of us stay derailed from moving forward because we allow our motivation to wane. Then we become stuck in a rut.

But this does NOT have to be your reality. How we choose to respond when we experience a dip in our motivation will determine if we experience success or a setback. There are three steps you can start today to help recharge your motivation and get back on track.

Remember why you started:

To jumpstart our motivation, we need to remember why we wanted to start in the first place. When we forget why we began, it can be easy to throw in the towel when the journey gets tough. We start to focus on all the reasons why we can’t move forward causing us to lose sight of the vision God gave us to move forward. Do you remember why you started your work out routine, decided to go back to school, or go after your dream? What were the prayers you prayed? What did God tell you to do to do? What is your why?

Recruit support

 Sometimes moving forward with our goals alone can be challenging, even for the most organized and productive. It’s even harder when your energy level is low, and life gets busy. Recruiting others to help along the journey as support and accountability can provide the additional umph to recharging our motivation.

Choose one or two people who can hold you accountable to take your next steps.  

Mompreneurs on Fire is our organization you can join today: https://www.facebook.com/mompreneursonfiretribe/

Make a decision not an excuse

 Discipline will always trump motivation. Sure, you may need the motivation to start, but discipline helps you finish. If we wait until we are motivated to do the homework, complete the workout, or attend the small group, none of those things may happen. Instead, choose to get it done instead of waiting until you “feel” like it. Your future you will thank you for not allowing excuses from becoming the barrier that keeps you from becoming your best self.