Mindset is such a powerful thing, and I encourage you to tap into yours.

Your mind made you who you are today.

Shifting your mindset gives you the tools to identify and change habits, attitudes, expectations and core beliefs that hold you back.

It’s recalibrating your compass. It takes you from thinking differently about yourself to actually believing in yourself. Because thinking differently about yourself won’t change you permanently. Believing differently will!

So start with the mind. Start with the mentee. 

For the next seven days, you write down your first three thoughts in the morning. Start noticing and observing what are your first three thoughts in the morning that shapes your day? Write it down, don’t change them. Just get up in the morning and think what are your first three thoughts. Also, get clear on what are your three last thoughts in the night. 

I live in New York so I’m always going to hear stuff around me, and I’ve learned to totally ignore that. I learned to stop thinking about the negative, to start thinking that something good is going to happen out of this. 

Let’s start doing the action work. Let’s start doing the things that shift in the results. 

You want to see maximum results in your Personal Life? You want to see maximum results with your children and/or in your business? Then everything first starts with YOU. 

Don’t think of everyone else, stop blaming everyone else. Start taking full control over the one thing that you have full control of. Take that finger, turn it around and point it directly at yourself. Get to work, write down the things as soon as you wake up in the morning, and before you go to bed at night, what are those three thoughts that you’re thinking about? Once you start looking at them at the end of the week, then you’ll start to see where you need to start shifting. How can you intentionally shift some of those thoughts throughout the day? Let me help you, join my tribe here: www.JoinDrAli.com